Acid Free

Acid Free
More health benefits:
Coffee and acidity
Our modern diet is typically too acidic compared to the diet of our ancestors. We eat highly processed food grown on depleted soil with reduced quantities of minerals and too few mineral-rich plant foods. Millions of people take prescription drugs daily to reduce acidity while still drinking cup after cup of coffee and consuming other acidic foods that aggravate acid reflux, IBS and other inflammatory digestive conditions.
Too much acidity in the diet can create health problems that range from experiencing uncomfortable symptoms of digestive distress to developing chronic health conditions. Coffee is an irritant to the digestive tract for many people. Coffee beans contain over 100 different acids. Decaf coffee is even more highly acidic than regular coffee. Since decaffeination processes remove so much flavor from coffee beans, beans with a higher acidic content are used for decaffeination, resulting in even more acidity in decaf coffee than regular coffee.

Restore your alkaline balance with Teeccino
Cellular metabolism requires alkaline minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium to reduce metabolic acidity. Many people are confused by the pH of brewed Teeccino when they test it with pH strips. The original pH of the water used in brewing has a strong influence on the outcome of the pH of brewed Teeccino. But whether or not the pH strip test shows acid or alkaline, it doesn’t mean that Teeccino doesn’t have an alkaline effect in the body.
Teeccino’s natural potassium is the key to Teeccino’s alkaline effect. The body uses it to correct metabolic acidity and restore an alkaline balance. Drinking Teeccino with its readily absorbable potassium has helped many people who have found that coffee is too acidic for them. Read their testimonials!
Minerals maintain pH balance
Your blood has a slightly alkaline pH that the body must keep balanced within a very limited range. The body uses minerals to restore the alkaline pH of the blood. This process is so essential to the body’s functions that if the minerals aren’t available through the diet, the body will pull minerals out of the bones and teeth in order to correct metabolic acidity.
When our diet is too acidic and doesn’t supply enough minerals, our body struggles to restore alkaline balance. Diseases like osteoporosis and GERD, also called acid reflux, are aggravated by too much acidity in the diet. Coffee can aggravate this because it has been shown to increase the elimination of minerals such as calcium and potassium in the urine, further depleting you of essential minerals.
Teeccino's potassium and inulin help you stay alkaline
Drinking Teeccino helps you reduce acidity in your body in two ways. First, a cup of Teeccino contains the alkaline mineral, potassium, in a readily absorbable form. Potassium helps neutralize acidity and restore the blood’s alkaline balance.
Second, inulin, a soluble fiber from the chicory root that extracts into every cup of Teeccino during brewing, supports a healthy population of beneficial microflora that enhances your digestion and increases the bioavailability of minerals in your diet. Studies show that lactobacillus bacteria, which are nourished by inulin, aid in the absorption of calcium and iron.
Most of the ingredients in Teeccino like carob, chicory, almonds, ramón nuts, dandelion roots, mushrooms and adaptogenic herbs plus dates and figs are all alkaline. Additionally, by roasting the ingredients in Teeccino, the carbohydrates become more easily digestible and thus less acidifying.

The path towards an alkaline diet
Don’t be confused by recommendations to test a food or beverage using a pH strip. A pH strip is useful for measuring the acidity of your urine, but it isn’t a valid measurement for how a food or beverage will react in your body. A better measurement of acidity in foods and beverages is analyzing what kind of minerals they supply. Use pH strips to test your urine and saliva to find out if you are becoming more alkaline over a period of time after following an alkaline diet. However, these tests have to be performed continuously for at least 30 days under the same conditions such as time of day and prior food or beverage consumption in order to get accurate results.
There are many good articles on the internet about how to make your diet more alkaline but many of them are also full of misconceptions. If you stick with the concept of eating mineral-rich, nutrient-dense foods and avoiding the classic acidic foods (e.g. coffee, citrus fruits, tomatoes etc.), you’ll be on the path towards taming acidity. Drinking Teeccino can help your body recover from acidity caused by coffee!