Yes, but cold brewing creates a lighter, more tea-like brew. If you want a more robust brew, using hot water is recommended. Cold brew, which uses cold water, is a less efficient extraction of the flavor and health benefits of the herbs in Teeccino.
People like cold brewed coffee because the light extraction leaves behind a lot of the acidic and bitter flavor notes in the coffee beans instead of extracting them into the brewed liquid. Depending on how you like to drink Teeccino, you may prefer a full-bodied, bold brew or a lighter brew that is more appealing to tea drinkers.
In order to drink Teeccino cold, you can choose to chill hot brewed Teeccino or brew it with a cold brewing method. To create a bold, dark brew, use water just off the boil in a French press pot or brew as directed in a drip coffee brewer. After liquid Teeccino has cooled down a bit, chill it in your refrigerator where it can last up to one week.
For cold brewed Teeccino, leave the Teeccino grounds steeping in cold filtered water for 12 - 24 hours in your refrigerator. Start by using 2 tbsp to 10 oz of water. Strain the grounds out using a fine mesh strainer and adjust for strength according to your preference by adding more cold water if you want a weaker brew. If you want a stronger brew, we suggest using the hot brewing method.
Either method of brewing Teeccino will produce a delicious glass of chilled Teeccino to enjoy. Have fun experimenting to discover which is your personal favorite!