Natural Energy Boost

Natural Energy Boost
More health benefits:

Energy boost from nutrients, not stimulants!
We hear it all the time. “I got an energy lift from drinking Teeccino! Are you sure there’s no caffeine in it?” We can’t tell you exactly why this happens, but so many people experience an energy boost that we know it is a reliable effect of drinking Teeccino. Our theories of how Teeccino helps our bodies produce energy are based on the nutrients Teeccino provides that impact energy production.
Potassium is key to cellular energy production
Natural energy from Teeccino is partly a result of Teeccino’s natural potassium content that is readily available and quickly assimilated by your body because it is suspended in liquid. Potassium is an electrolyte mineral that stimulates the rapid transmission of nerve impulses, increases tissue oxygenation, and supports healthy muscle contraction. It helps your cells bring in nourishment by activating the sodium-potassium pump that allows cells to discharge waste and take in nutrients.
Our diet often supplies too much sodium and too little potassium because so many prepared foods, especially snack foods, are over-salted. The easily absorbable potassium in brewed Teeccino helps produce that energy lift that people experience as simply being energized without a jolt.
Athletes find drinking Teeccino helps them recover their energy after workouts because Teeccino’s potassium restores their electrolyte balance. While potassium is artificially added to every sports drink to help muscles recover from fatigue, Teeccino’s potassium comes naturally from its ingredients. Teeccino has more natural potassium per serving than Gatorade® and other popular sports drinks!

Pinitol from carob pods helps cells take in nutrients
Carob pods, one of Teeccino’s main herbal ingredients, may offer another explanation for Teeccino’s energizing effect. Pinitol, a non-caloric sugar naturally occurring in carob pods, reduces insulin resistance by helping muscle cells absorb glucose and increase cellular metabolism. Decreasing insulin resistance also helps stabilize blood sugar. When your cells can absorb blood glucose and store carbohydrates more efficiently, you feel more energized. The natural energy boost that people experience from drinking Teeccino may have to do with D-pinitol acting like insulin to help cells take in more energy.
Real energy doesn't come from stimulants
The need for more energy is the reason why many people drink caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea. Although people drink coffee to get “energy” they are actually triggering a stress response called the “fight or flight response” which causes a short-term spike of alertness, along with a host of stress reactions throughout the body.
When coffee and caffeine cause the adrenal glands to release the stress hormone cortisol, the liver is stimulated to release glycogen causing blood sugar to become elevated. High blood sugar causes the pancreas to respond by releasing insulin to bring the blood sugar back down. Now you are in the middle of a hormonal rollercoaster that produces both high and low energy cycles, making you reach for another cup of coffee. Getting off of the caffeine roller coaster ride of energetic highs and lows is one of the benefits of drinking Teeccino!

Boost your energy naturally!
Teeccino provides a natural way to increase your energy via nutrients, not stimulants. Instead of stimulating a stress response that inevitably results in an energy crash, Teeccino gives your body the nourishment it needs to be energized in a healthy, balanced way.
With the right foods, beverages, sleep and exercise, your body can produce all the energy you need without drugs or stimulants. We think you’ll discover that living life in a balanced way without depending on drugs or stimulants will give you the optimal health and energy supply that makes you feel your best.