Somewhere along the continuum from childhood to middle age, many of us lose our vitality. As our energy decreases and our stress rises, we think that the way we feel is just a result of aging. We become dependent on stimulants like sugar, caffeine and nicotine to keep us going throughout the day. We move less. Our bodies get stiff. We no longer feel like taking a walk let alone running up the stairs.
Somewhere along the continuum from childhood to middle age, many of us lose our vitality. As our energy decreases and our stress rises, we think that the way we feel is just a result of aging. We become dependent on stimulants like sugar, caffeine and nicotine to keep us going throughout the day. We move less. Our bodies get stiff. We no longer feel like taking a walk let alone running up the stairs.
The excuse we make is, I’m just getting older. Of course you are, but does that mean you have to settle for declining health and energy? Look around and you’ll see examples of people who have lots of vitality no matter what their age. It can’t just be that they won the genetic lottery!