#1 Coffee Alternative

As an avid coffee connoisseur, dropping the daily habit seemed nearly impossible. I knew that forgoing the daily grind would help improve caffeine addiction, as well as digestive ailments. For a while, I drank a slew of herbal teas in hopes that my addiction could be cured, but nothing could satisfied the earthy, aromatic tastes and smells that coffee provided. After being recommended Teecino by my naturopathic doctor, I'll admit I was somewhat skeptical. How could an herbal tea ever mimic coffee? It took a few months to finally take the plunge and buy, but my first sip of Teecino was absolute bliss! All of that wonderfully earthy and aromatic flavor came rushing through my veins! The best part? No bitter aftertaste, organic, and no caffeine! Teecino has absolutely nailed it! I chose sampler boxes to try multiple flavors, and I am so happy that my doctor recommended such an amazing brand. Although I wish I chose to switch sooner, I'm so glad I finally did! Never going back!

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