A flavor explosion!

In the past I have used Caffix, Choffy, etc. Then one day I went into Whole Foods looking for something else. I browsed all the extensive tea lines and I happened to come upon Teeccino. I am very sensitive to caffeine, so I began reading the pouch that said no caf. Right up my alley! So that day I purchased 2 large bags. I aquainted myself with brewing and measurements and to my surprise and delight, WOW, a flavor explosion on my pallet! I felt that it was such an indulgence. I especially enjoy a cup in the afternoon to add some pizazz to my day and in the evening after dinner and to my amazement I have no problem drinking it before bed. I was so excited with this product I wanted to find out more, so I combed the website and got info about being an ambassador and its been love ever since. Sharing and educating everyone I come in contact with. Clients love being able to select complimentary Tee-Bags or packets. Everytime friends and family see me they sing TE TE TE CCINO!

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