A very addequate alternative for high BP patients who are also coffee nuts!

Until I had open heart surgery to replace a bicuspid valve, I was an avid coffee drinker. I tried every coffee varietal I could get my hands on. I was what you could call a coffee snob. But after surgery, with high blood pressure issues, I completely stopped the coffee. I tried decaf tea and coffee but even those gave me heart palpitations. And every time I smelled my wife's freshly press-potted brew I'd get rather depressed. So just this last Wednesday a thought struck me that had been wandering my brain for a few months, I wonder if there are any good coffee substitutes out there? I did one search and the first link was Teeccino. I checked out the videos on the site and was intrigued. I found a local store and picked up the Hazelnut, Vanilla Nut and the French Roast. I was very very pleased from the first cup. Now, this isn't a perfect coffee match, especially if you like black, strong coffee. What I'd compare it to is a nice cup of light bodied coffee with a hazelnut or vanilla flavoring. It's darn close to that and very pleasing. It lacks the bitterness of coffee as well. I found that 3-5 minute of steeping isn't enough. I let my Teeccino bags steep for 15 minutes to get a stronger flavor and -- guess what?? Even after letting the bags steep for an hour the brew was excellent. No bitterness at all. And no odd aftertaste. One last thing -- the Teeccino does give me sort of an enegry rush like caffeine, but no jitters or heart palps. I had a cup before bed two nights ago and slept like a baby. When I get up in the morning now I notice that I'm looking forward to my first cup of Teeccino. Great flavor, excellent product!

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