Chronic Gastritis and gluten sentitivity

I have been living with Chronic Gastritis for the past 7 years, and this past year, I have also been diagnosed with Gluten Sensitivity as well. But going back to the Gastritis ... It was 2006, I was 24 and what I thought was a healthy man until I became extremely sick at work one day. Needless to say I went to the doctor immediately and was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer. I was put on a strict diet, medications, the whole nine yards, that which included NO COFFEE! As the years went on that stomach ulcer turned itself into Chronic Gastritis and the strict and special diet became more of a lifestyle rather than a diet. And throughout those years, my will power remained strong to not drinking coffee (I'm not saying I didn't want a cup from time-to-time, I just never drank it.) Fast forward to earlier this year (2013) I had done a Google search on Gluten Free, Caffeine Free and Non-Acidic coffee and sure enough, Teeccino's website was the first hit. I was immediately excited and overwhelmed because I could not believe such a product existed. Long story short, I searched the site and found Dandelion French Roast Herbal Coffee Tee-Bags and the first day they arrived in the mail;I HAD to have a cup ... and it was HEAVEN! So I now spread the word about Teeccino both verbally and via social media because there are SO many people out there with health issues and sadly, they neglect to face the facts that they need to make a lifestyle change in their diet. So I lift my cup to you Teeccino and say much obliged for what you do.

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