I add ginger root, cardamon, and cinnamon to my Teeccino!

The first time I tried Teeccino I wanted to avoid caffeine during pregnancy--by mixing half Teeccino with my coffee, I was fully weaned in 2 weeks! After my son was born I began drinking coffee again thinking of Teeccino as only a weaning device. Now I want to be as healthy as I can and have rediscoverd Teeccino with gustatory joy! To enhance healthfulness and the already wondrous flavor, I sometimes mix in dried ginger root, cardamon, and cinnamon. I use the tea bags at work with result of an inspiring pick-me-up after 3. Teeccino has enhanced my health and spirit making the absence of caffeine negligible. I am eternally grateful to a company and person who care so much about the quality of their product. I spread the word when I can. Kudos!

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