You can care for body, heart and the earth when you drink a cup of Teeccino!

Hi Teecino! I posted this on my blog, ready to launch next week. I'm a coach for empaths/highly sensitive people. Here is part of it......Empaths are extremely susceptible to many external influences: other people's feelings, vibrations from nature, planetary energy - has anyone ever gotten a good night's sleep under a full moon? - pesticides & other environmental toxins. Because of this, empaths need to be mindful of what goes into our bodies. Processed foods are not good for any human, but can be really disruptive for empaths. Again, a topic for another day. I want to focus on a natural plant that is over processed and over used in our society today: coffee. Because of our highly sensitive nervous systems, coffee is overly stimulating for our sensitive energies. I want to introduce you to a few of my favorite products that are caffeine free, but taste delicious. I love Teecino, a roasted herbal drink that brews just like your regular joe and tastes fantastic! No, it doesn't taste just like coffee, but has its own delightful aroma and flavor, is very enjoyable and is my go to hot drink in the morning. Teecino comes in different gourmet flavors and is made from roasted nuts, herbs and chicory or even dandelion root (the mocha dandelion is scrumptious). Unlike coffee, it is not acidic for the body and gives you a natural energy boost when you wake up or even in the afternoon or evening. The woman who invented the brew, Caroline MacDougall, spent her early years at Celestial Seasonings, developing those wonderful teas those of us of a certain age grew up on. She is a dedicated environmentalist concerned about the plight of the world's rain forests and fair trade practices. So, you can care for body, heart and the earth when you drink a cup! Talk about a win-win!! For more on Teecino and its health benefits, click here: As I said this will launch on my new website next week. Thrilled Teecino is one of my first product recommendations!

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