Why do our taste buds love roasted flavors? Maybe because it’s been embedded in our DNA since the days when our ancestors sat around fires roasting whatever they had foraged. Roasting makes everything taste delicious and converts fiber into a more digestible form. Lately the craze for raw cacao (cocoa’s botanical name) has been trending, but I, for one, am a fan of the age-old roasted cocoa flavor. That’s the magic that creates “mocha” ~ the satisfying blend of roasted coffee notes from dandelion and chicory roots against rich, taste bud-entrancing cocoa.
A cup of Dandelion Mocha isn’t just for pleasure, though there’s plenty of that! The bitters in dandelion and chicory roots kick your liver and gallbladder into action. These two roots also happen to be nature's highest sources of inulin, the prebiotic soluble fiber that feeds your probiotics ~ those triillons of gut microflora that are responsible for creating vitamins, immune metabolites, and healthy digestion and elimination. They do everything from reducing inflammation to influencing your food cravings. Feed them and you shall thrive!