Tips for maintaining healthy breasts

Tips for maintaining healthy breasts

I have witnessed a growing number of friends being treated for breast cancer. I’m sure many of my readers have family or friends with breast cancer or have been stricken with breast cancer themselves. It’s heartbreaking and devastating for those who experience it. Around 13% of women will be diagnosed with this terrible disease. Fortunately, numbers have decreased slightly in the past 5 years.

The two biggest risk factors for breast cancer are 1) being a woman and 2) aging. Although we women can’t stop the aging continuum as years go by, we can do things to help keep our breasts healthy! Here are 4 important tips for maintaining healthy breasts:


Keep your vitamin D levels high. Low vitamin D is associated with breast cancer.

Eat ground flax seeds. Flax seeds contain lignans, which are similar in structure to estrogen. Lignans bind to estrogen receptors and decrease the risks from cell growth.


Human studies show eating flaxseeds can decrease the occurrence of breast cancer in postmenopausal women.


Increase your intake of omega 3 essential fatty acids. Flax seeds and chia seeds both are high in omega-3 fatty acids along with oily fish like salmon and black cod. Human studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids decrease the risk for breast cancer and increase the survivor rate from breast cancer. My cereal, TeeChia, contains both chia and flax seeds. I eat it daily!

Finally, caffeine affects breast tissue. Many women with fibrocystic breasts find relief when they eliminate caffeine from their diets. I’m not claiming that it can contribute to the development of breast cancer, but having healthy breasts starts in our youth with good diet and keeping inflammation down in our breasts as well as our bodies!

I invite you to visit our website’s page on Women’s Health and Caffeine. Our female bodies are more impacted by many things compared to men’s bodies. You’ll discover a lot of information about how caffeine affects our bodies throughout our lives.

Here’s to healthy breasts for our entire lives!

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