When I was breastfeeding my son several years ago I used java flavor teeccino to replace coffee completely. I wanted to reduce my baby's caffeine consumption through breast milk. I was a neurotic new mom and swore caffeine was keeping my baby awake and making him irritable. Looking back, the reality was teeccino helped me be calmer and avoid the jitters and nervousness that caffeine can sometimes cause. Even though I was exhausted at times and the caffeine could have helped get me through some of those early days I believe Teeccino was a better choice.
8 years later, now I use Teeccino to reduce my caffeine consumption to avoid adrenal fatigue and boost my health. I'm a work at home mom of two active children and I must be the patient calm (but still energized) and a focused professional and mother that my company and family need. Although now I prefer the taste of the dandelion dark roast and French roast. Java is too sweet for my low carb/low sugar lifestyle.
I'm nearing my 40th birthday and appreciate the added health benefits of the dandelion based roasts. I currently use 2/3 teeccino to 1/3 caffeinated coffee in my morning Brew and it works well for me even though I still prefer the taste and aroma of blonde roast coffees, teeccino is an acceptable substitute that I am happy to use daily.