Teeccino let's me continue to enjoy the coffee ritual

Being a long time practictioner of yoga, I am aware that true peace in mind and body only comes when deep relaxation is experienced. Although I don't generally have more than one coffee experience a day, the caffeine would still affect my nerves, thus my meditation practice. And the high acidity was also making itself known in my bloated belly. But it's been a hard one to let go of because I really love the ritual and EXPERIENCE of coffee. I came upon Teeccino at my local health market "Mother's Market" where I tried a Hazelnut latte and was hooked! After checking out the Teeccino website and reading even further that caffeine actually causes nerve fatigue from over stimulation - which I was experiencing - I decided it was time. Now, I have my coffee experience and ritual and feel good that it's actually healthy for my body. THANK YOU! for a fabulous product and informative newsletter. The tea bags allow me to share Teeccino with friends and I'm happy to report several new fans! Teeccino is a wonderful addition to a yoga lifestyle.

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