TeeChia's Health Benefits
More About TeeChia:
The gel-like fiber that makes the difference
Two of TeeChia’s super seeds, chia and flax, contain unique soluble fibers that have profoundly beneficial effects on the digestive tract. Both seeds, when ground and soaked in water, release their soluble fiber in only a few seconds to form a thick, viscous mucilage (or gel). This gel is the secret of TeeChia’s ability to provide lasting energy and satiety.

Soluble fiber soothes the digestive tract
Soluble fiber plays a very important role in digestion. During digestion, the viscosity of the gel slows down the release of glucose from carbohydrates into the blood stream, prolonging their absorption to help maintain stable blood sugar and prevent a sudden spike in insulin.
Insoluble fiber also helps slow the absorption of carbohydrates because it must be broken down before carbohydrates can be released and absorbed. This is why it is so important to eat whole grains rich in fiber instead of refined grains. Refined grains release their carbohydrates too quickly setting off a chain reaction that ultimately results in energy crashes and the urge to eat more.
All of TeeChia’s carbohydrates are already considered to be “slow carbs” because they are unrefined and bound in their natural insoluble plant fiber. TeeChia’s soluble fiber, however, slows their release even further, keeping blood sugar stable longer, and providing energy from TeeChia’s nutrient-dense calories for many hours.

Oats have heart-healthy soluble fiber
TeeChia’s oats are an important source of soluble fiber too, with unique benefits that have been scientifically demonstrated. One component of the soluble fiber in oats is beta-glucan, a compound that has been proven to be so effective in lowering cholesterol that the FDA actually approves of a heart healthy statement for oats.
Soluble fiber offers additional heart healthy effects by binding with cholesterol during digestion and removing it without being absorbed. Eating more soluble fiber daily can help reduce high cholesterol, especially high LDL cholesterol.
Benefits of soluble fiber:
- The soluble fiber gel will slow the absorption of the carbohydrates by the intestines. Slow and steady release of carbohydrates results in stable blood sugar and lasting energy.
- After eating, the soluble fiber gel continues to absorb more water in your stomach and intestines. It keeps you hydrated by slowly releasing water back into your system as demand arises.
- The bulk formed by the soluble fiber gel keeps you feeling satiated and staves off any hunger signals for 4 or more hours.
- The soluble fiber gel creates a moist, smooth stool that keeps you regular daily and makes it easy to do your ‘daily duty’!
Chia & flax seeds help keep you regular
Dietary fiber is essential to maintaining regular bowel movements. Fiber is the part of plants that is not digestible and contributes no additional calories. Current recommendations are for adults to consume 25-30g of fiber per day. TeeChia supplies 6g of fiber from chia, flax, quinoa, amaranth, ramón seeds, pumpkin seeds and oats per 50g (1/2 cup) serving.
Fiber makes digested food move more rapidly through the intestines towards elimination. Along the way, it has the ability to absorb cholesterol and thus is an essential part of a heart healthy diet. High fiber intake is highly recommended to help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes and obesity because fiber promotes stable blood sugar by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates.
Fiber is also important for the prevention of diverticulosis and colon, stomach and prostate cancer. Stools with a higher volume and softer composition are necessary for colon health as smaller, harder stools can increase the pressure within the colon and cause weak spots in the intestinal walls. Think of soft, bulky stools as the broom your colon needs to sweep everything through along the way.

Soluble fiber soothes the digestive tract
Eating foods high in soluble fiber is beneficial to anyone concerned about their colon health. Soluble fiber has the ability to sooth the intestinal walls of the colon due to the hydrous gel it forms when soaked. It continues to absorb water and increase in bulk as it travels through the digestive tract, producing soft stools that are easy to pass.
Soluble fiber helps correct symptoms of irritable or inflammatory bowel conditions. The muscles of the colon can grip the bulky gel, passing it along with peristaltic contractions, while absorbing water to prevent diarrhea and softening hard stools to prevent constipation.
Experiencing the beneficial effect that TeeChia has on digestion and elimination is all the proof you need. Most people notice the difference the very next day, but we recommend eating TeeChia regularly for several days to get the full effect of its fiber on your bowel movements.
Eat fiber like nature created it
Both soluble and insoluble fiber are necessary for regular bowel movements and good colon health. In the effort to increase fiber content in high-fiber commercial cereals, insoluble fiber is added typically from bran. Bran is the hard outer kernel of grains composed of insoluble fiber that is removed when grains are refined. Bran often tastes bland and rough and can feel uncomfortable upon elimination. High fiber cereals usually have over 90% insoluble fiber in them, which makes them tough on your intestines and your colon.
All of TeeChia’s ingredients have their natural soluble and insoluble fibers intact, without any stripping and reformulating of fiber like you find in many commercial cereals. Even commercial cereals that fall under the category of “whole grain” can be highly processed to reconfigure the fiber to be more palatable and taste like refined grains. These cereals are elaborately engineered by food scientists for flavor and texture, but they may not have the best combination of soluble and insoluble fibers for your digestive tract.
Eat a high ratio of soluble fiber to insoluble fiber
The ideal cereal includes ingredients like oats, chia, flax and quinoa with a high ratio of soluble fiber to insoluble fiber. With 6 grams of fiber per serving, TeeChia provides plenty of fiber even though it may not have as high a fiber quantity as a bran cereal. However, we think you’ll find TeeChia’s fiber to be more beneficial for your colon health and more effective in helping you keep regular. TeeChia delivers fiber to you the way nature intended you to eat it!
Natural Energy and Endurance from TeeChia

TeeChia keeps you energized and satisfied
Fueling our bodies with nutrient-dense foods that are slowly metabolized is the key to creating abundant energy that lasts for many hours. TeeChia’s nutrients, including its complex carbohydrates, fats, sugars, and protein, are all bound in their natural plant fiber that requires digestion before these nutrients are released and converted to energy. It is that slow conversion that makes all the difference in how energized you feel and how long your energy lasts.
Here are four tips that promote optimal health and natural energy with TeeChia:
1. Eat nutrient-dense calories, not empty calories
Empty calories are those that do not provide any nutrients – refined sugars and grains (white flour versus whole wheat flour) are prime examples. Stripped of the nutrients and fiber that were part of the original food source, they are quickly converted to glucose resulting in a temporary blood sugar spike that then triggers an insulin cascade and ends in a low blood sugar crash.
This is the high/low energy cycle that commercial cereals provide. You feel an energy rush upon eating the stripped, processed grains laden with sugar, but then you burn through it quickly, especially if you’re an active person. By mid-morning, you’re hungry again and feeling brain fog coming on with a vengeance. Even oat-based cereals like oatmeal and granola have too much added sugar and not enough protein or the right kind of fats to provide lasting energy. Granola is oatmeal backed with sugar and oil to make it crispy!
TeeChia has the opposite effect. Nutrient-dense calories bound in fiber take longer to digest and yield their energy continuously and slowly. The nutrients fuel our cellular metabolism, and our blood sugar remains stable. We’re powered by a sustainable energy source that doesn’t drop off the cliff. When we feel hungry again, it isn’t accompanied by desperation or fuzzy thoughts. Hours will have passed before you even think of eating again.
2. Focus on slow carbs, not no carbs
The Atkins Diet, which has now morphed into the Keto diet, gave carbohydrates a bad reputation. The premise was you’ll lose weight if you eat very few carbs and lots of fats. This is true in the short term, but unhealthy in the long term. Carbohydrates come from plants and there is no doubt that a plant-based diet provides the phytonutrients that humans evolved to eat and are required to create optimal health.
The problem was, Atkins didn’t make the proper distinction between the health benefits of “slow carbs” meaning those carbohydrates from plant sources that haven’t been refined or processed, and “fast carbs”, which are high in starch, low in fiber, and rapidly absorbed. He lumped all carbs together without distinguishing that “fast carbs” are the real enemy of your waistline and your health.
Carbohydrates are the energy storehouse of plants. You need them, but you just don’t want them refined. Eat them the way nature intended, just like they are in TeeChia, and you’ll discover that slow carbs are your body’s best energy source.
3. Eat good fats, not bad fats
Fat is calorie dense, which means a little bit goes a long way. A tablespoon of fat contains over twice the number of calories as carbohydrates and protein. If you are eating foods that contain natural amounts of fat, you’ll feel full longer and have more energy to burn. Your body converts food to energy using both carbohydrates and fats, so you want both in your diet in the right balance for sustained energy production.
The problem with fat in food arises when fat is extracted to make oils, including vegetable oils and animal fat (e.g. butter or lard). When these concentrated fats are consumed in high quantities, your weight and health can be compromised.
Saturated fat found in animal foods is known to increase cholesterol, leading to a buildup of plaque in the arteries and heart disease. Vegetable oils contain high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids but aren’t balanced with the same ratio of omega-3 fatty acids. This imbalance can create a pro-inflammatory condition that can lead to chronic diseases.
While most cereals including granola are manufactured with vegetable oils, TeeChia is not. The fats in TeeChia come from the seeds themselves. TeeChia contains high quantities of omega-3 fatty acids that can help balance the ratio of omega-6 fatty acids that you’re getting from other foods.
4. Avoid the energy robbing duo: sugar & caffeine
Advertisers tell us to reach for a cup of coffee or an “energy” drink when we’re tired. We can immediately feel the stimulation from both the pure sugar and the drug, caffeine, which triggers the “fight or flight” syndrome, a response that evolved to help us escape danger back in our hunting and gathering days. But what is this really doing to our natural energy supply?
Sugar is a quick fix that boosts our available energy but then leaves us hungry again and suffering from low blood sugar once the insulin response has stored the excess sugar as fat.
Caffeine elevates cortisol, the stress hormone that stimulates the liver to pump out glycogen for our muscles to consume so they can run from danger. If the excess blood sugar isn’t used, our pancreas reacts shortly thereafter to reduce it by increasing production of insulin and storing the extra glucose as fat. Now, we’ve robbed our energy storehouse in our liver and our muscles for a short-term effect that leaves us depleted and… fatter!
TeeChia has no added sugars and is naturally sweet from dates and monk fruit that won't disturb your blood sugar.
Keep a positive balance in your energy bank account
Sustainable energy and endurance come from whole food nutrients like those you find in TeeChia. Think of your energy supply as a bank account. You can’t keep running up an overdraft and expect to have plenty there when you need it. Instead, you may find you’ve exhausted your vital organs and glands resulting in poor health and low energy. Feed your energy bank account real energy from whole food nutrients in balanced amounts and you’ll have plenty of energy all day long.